Friday, July 12, 2013

Interview with an (almost) 6 year old

Ada and Oscar, buddies.

Although I'm not 100% consistent, I like to interview my children around their birthdays. Since Ada's birthday is fast approaching, here's an update from the inside of her head.

What's your favorite color? Blue.
Your favorite animal? Bunny.
TV show? Phineas & Ferb
What's your favorite toy? American Girl Dolls.
What's your favorite book? Rapunzel.
Do you have a favorite song? Ode to Joy.

What's your favorite thing to wear? Dress.
What's your favorite sport? Piano.
What's your favorite restaurant? Salernos!
Your favorite cereal? Kix.
Your favorite food? Pizza.

What do you like to do at school? Draw pictures.
What are your best friends? Aminatta, Jenna and Lyric. And Ella!

Where would you like to go on vacation this year? To Australia where there is penguins.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A hair salonist.

Where do you want to live when you grow up? Oak Park.
Do you plan to have children? Yes.

How many? Two.
Boys or girls? Girls. That are twins. Wait, I mean a boy and a girl that are twins.
Will you have pets? Yes. My pet is going to be a cat.
If you could change your name, what would you pick? Violet.

What do you love about Mommy? She is soft and warm and chubby.
I'm chubby? Yeah. I mean look at your arm, it’s all chubby!
What do you love about Daddy? He’s grumpy, dark and he looks like me.
What do you love about your sister? It’s hard to think of my sister. She’s funny.

What would you like to do when you’re 6 years old? Get my nails done.

Do you have a birthday wish? A new flashlight, because my flashlight’s gone.
Fearless swimmers!

Interview with an (almost) 4 year old -- Ada
Interview with an (almost) 6 year old -- Zoe
Interview with Zoe on her 8th birthday