Sunday, February 03, 2008

Still not pregnant, thank you very much

Here I am at Saturday's synagogue fund-raising event in the dress I was purchasing when the cashier asked me if I was expecting a boy or a girl. Thank you Assets for allowing me to visit (and revisit) the bar without getting any suspicious looks from the Sisterhood ladies.

The food and the silent auction were really impressive, but unfortunately I spent more time chatting than eating and I got outbid on every last thing I tried to win!

I broke in my new royal blue H&M dress today. We attended a neighborhood farewell brunch for a family that's moving off the block (but staying in OP). Imagine 30 adults and at least that many children in a house the size of ours. And we all posed for a photo in her living room. I'm surprised her couch didn't give way.

As a contribution, I made a quiche for, oh, maybe the second time in my life. It was a huge hit, not only because it was delicious (if I do say so myself), but because it was the only savory dish on a table full of sweet rolls, cakes and muffins.