Anyway, I'm working on some beauty concepts for Spring of 2011, so I decided to take advantage of today's exceptionally Spring-like weather and walk down State Street in search of some inspiration. I wandered into the new Sephora and somehow found myself in front of the Fresh fragrance display. The Cannabis Rose label called out to me. I sniffed the bottle and liked what I smelled. I spritzed a little inside my left elbow, smiled and left.
The scent stayed with me all day, and I was increasingly intoxicated by it (and not, I'm sure, because of the name). I couldn't stop smelling my arm. A colleague sat next to me and asked me if I was wearing perfume. "It smells amazing on you," she said, "You must buy it."
I went to the dentist, played in the yard with the kids and had barbecue chicken for dinner. Then I sniffed my arm again around 7:30pm. The scent was still there. "Josh," I called, "come upstairs and smell something." He dragged his feet, no doubt sure I was going to ask him to sniff out some horrible smell, but even he agreed I smelled really good.
Of course, I couldn't fall for a cheap cologne. This stuff costs $85 and isn't available from any discount outlets. But I bought it anyway, getting the best deal I could by clicking through to Beauty.com through the USAA Membershop. It's still a totally unnecessary luxury item, but at least I earned 6 points/$1 and got $10 off and free shipping.