Despite A's tearful protests against getting in the car, we headed north to the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe early this morning, were we met up with our friends Jay and Kate and their 2 (but soon to be 3) kids. The weather was glorious. If it weren't for my horrible, no-good ragweed allergies, I'd ask for 72 degrees and sunny every day of the year.

Fortunately, taking double the dose of Zyrtec + saline spray/Neti pot + wearing my glasses instead of my contacts = I can see/breathe. Sometimes.
We wandered through the beautiful gardens, gawking at a Hindu wedding and admiring heirloom tomatoes, local apple varieties, fragrant roses and immaculately groomed Japanese gardens. The kids clamored for snacks, hopped in and out of their strollers and made their own kites.
A was pretending the manicured shrubs were giant scoops of ice cream
After the gardens, we took a quick drive over to Highland Park for NY-style slices at New York Slices and Blizzards and cones at DQ.
World's cuddliest little boy makes himself slightly less huggable by frosting himself in soft serve