Saturday, June 04, 2011

The yard sale gods were smiling

Today was our block's sort-of-annual 3 block sale, and since I'd been collecting outgrown clothes, toys and various other items on the front porch for weeks, I was set up and ready to sell when the early birds started arriving--about 15 minutes before the official start time of 8am.

The girls were keyed up with excitement. Not only did I promise them that they could keep the bulk of the proceeds from the toys sold, I let them set up a lemonade and farmers' market doughnuts stand right in front of the house. Doughnut sales were kind of a flop, but with the high heat and humidity, we went through 2 full pitchers of Trader Joe's lemonade (made from frozen concentrate). Add a sidewalk full of friendly neighbors and their unwanted stuff to the reality of making real money, and Z couldn't decide what was more appealing, selling or buying.

Ultimately I made about $140 and the girls grossed $14 a piece. More importantly, almost everything I put out sold--which means I didn't have to haul a trunkful of junk to the Brown Elephant.

Remembering my own childhood thrill of buying something with the money I'd earned, I offered the girls a trip to Geppetto's to spend their cash. A bought a hair bow and a kite and Z bought an Only Hearts doll.

It went to well I'm almost looking forward to next year. When, no doubt, it will rain.