I've never had any luck getting hair clips and barrettes to stay on my daughters' heads. If their hair isn't too fine to hold a clip, their motor skills are fine enough to yank them right out, thankyouverymuch.
And obviously I'm not alone in my struggles. My neighbor told me about some crafty Oak Park moms who avoid the endless repurchase of barrettes by getting together and making their own, and Parent Bloggers Network hooked me up with Maiden America, an unfortunately-named Momtrepreneur company that sells wonderful non-slip barrettes from an absolutely awful website.
The barrettes aren't cheapy made-in-China plastic dohickies. The are quite durable, lovely hair accessories that are hand made by housewives in the Pacific Northwest. In the photo, Baby A is modeling the oddly-named A Macy Spike Ladybug, which sells for $6.99 and has garnered lots and lots of compliments. The barrettes really do stay put all day long, and as soon as I master the art of putting a barrette on an angry 10 month old, she'll have all of her bangs out of her eyes.