Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wii, it's fun to stay Fit!

Once upon a time, I pined for a Wii Fit. I subscribed to Amazon alerts and bought one as soon as it became available. But the economy was tanking and Josh chastised me for wasting money on such a frivolous item when we'd just agreed we weren't going to buy anything nonessential. So I sold it to a friend on Facebook and consoled myself with my free review copy of Boogie SuperStar.

I guess Josh realized I was going to find time to play with the Wii if it meant staying up an hour later at night, because he secretly subscribed to Amazon's Wii Fit alert and surprised me with one for Chanukah!!!

Words can not explain how fun it is to play. It keeps track of my weight and BMI and encourages me to build a well-rounded workout with aerobics, yoga, strength training and balance games (which are the really fun part!). It keeps track of my accomplishments, encouraging me to improve my performance and, more importantly, beat Josh's high scores.