Thursday, April 29, 2010
Pityriasis Rosea update
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bead for Life: What a home-selling party should look like
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I need to remember this
Pasghetti=spaghetti (doesn't every toddler say this?)
When she wants to play with me, she usually says, "You wanna be Note-sa? You can be the baby and I can be the Mom! Yeah! Isn't that a great idea?" Note-sa is her go-to baby name. The Mom's name is usually Sara. If I agree to play, she continues. "It's time for you to take a nap. Lie down! No, on the couch! Feet up! Close eyes. I gonna tuck you in."
She then positions her face thisclose to mine and sings me a broken version of "Rock A Bye Baby." She kisses me and walks in the other room. "Now call 'Mama!'" I dutifully say "Mama" and she runs in, "What's the matter, Note-sa?" I repeat one of A's excuses for not wanting to nap and she parrots me, saying "You need to take a nap" or "We all sleep in our own beds." I get one final kiss and then she announces, "Okay, now I can be the baby and you can be the Mom. Okay? Doesn't that sound like a fun idea? I gonna lie down and you can tuck me in."
Another variation on the game goes like this: "Let's play babysitter! You can be Adriana. I gonna bring my baby to you. You can take care of her. Now I go to work. I'll pick up Note-sa later, when I done working. I gonna take a train." This is said as she wheels a doll baby over to me and hands her off. Then she tosses a purse over her shoulder and blows kisses.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Check out this getup
Friday, April 23, 2010
Bring your kids to work day
When told she was in a conference room with 6 real artists and shopper marketing specialists, she said "I'm a good artist too. I can draw a store environment." And then she drew this. An end cap. With adjacencies!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Earth Day: Getting greener every year

She's her father's daughter
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dentist: don't pull my baby's teeth!
Monday, April 19, 2010
I have a diagnosis
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Bathing beauties
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The itchy and scratchy show
Monday, April 12, 2010
Learning to live Montessori at home

Does your kindergartener make her bed this neatly?
But while I'm a Montessori preschool mom, I have a ways to go before I can call myself a true Montessori Mom. This became clear to me when I attended the most recent Parent Ed night at Z's school. We watched a video, At Home with Montessori (you can find it here), which featured kids 3-6 accomplishing tasks most American parents would never consider their small children ready to do: loading and unloading the dishwasher, washing dishes by hand, flipping pancakes and cooking an omelet unaided. One father talks about how nice it is that his son has a hot breakfast ready when mom and dad come downstairs in the morning.
We came together after the film to discuss what jobs we let our children do themselves and what we could do to give them more opportunities for responsibility. According to Montessori philosophy, children want to help out the family and do "real work" -- it gives them a sense of contributing to the family welfare. But there's a side benefit as well: mom and dad have less work to do when small children are setting the table, helping fold laundry and cleaning up their own spills.
I'd already installed low hooks and baskets so that my children can hang up their own coats and put their shoes and dirty clothes away, but the day after Parent Ed I cleared out a low drawer and filled it with smaller plates, cups and bowls so that my children can access them with ease. Next up is an accessible snack drawer and a second kitchen step stool. I may even purchase a few light switch toggles so that my 2 year old can turn off lights when she leaves a room.
The teachers gave us a couple of tips on how to teach small children new tasks. Whether its putting on and zipping up a coat, matching and folding socks, sweeping up or making a beds, break the task down into individual steps and demonstrate them, slowly, and without talking. Then let your child try. It's only been a couple of days, but this method really works! We've taught our 5 year old how to squeeze toothpaste onto her toothbrush, brush thoroughly and floss, and our 2 year old has wiped up her own spilled milk and mastered putting on and taking off her own clothes. It's tough to put yourself in their shoes and figure out exactly which steps go into something as natural and mindless as pulling your shirt off over your head, but once you do, you can teach your toddler. And the pride you see in their eyes--it's so worth it.
Chicago Moms Blog updates!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
She's mastered the 2-wheeler
Z rides her bike for the first time from almaklein on Vimeo.
After spending a couple of weekends working on balancing her bicycle like a run-bike (not using the pedals), Z picked up her feet and put them on the pedals. She's a natural!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Art milestones: First face, first family
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Around the house: from disaster to delicious
They've become very good friends.
This is the show the littles were watching.
Next door neighbor Ethan and his friend Chris, Adrian's older brother. Note the spaghetti of ladders in the background. We have very nice, patient neighbors. The kind who don't roll their eyes when your construction workers block their driveway, throw roofing materials on their lawn and work until 8:30pm (yes, they're still here, cleaning up in the dark).
Monday, April 05, 2010
Our first Easter egg hunt
Saturday, April 03, 2010
The family that clays together...

Thursday, April 01, 2010
Fresh Cannabis Rose: I've found my scent