Saturday, March 08, 2008

Baby portraiture: I'll pass on the Easter eggs

Z was invited to a tea party from 11-1 today, so Josh and I seized the opportunity and hightailed it out to Oak Brook to get a "professional" portrait of Baby A at Picture People (I had a coupon for a free print).

I stripped her down and asked to have her shot against a black background (I figured that's the least cheesy look they offer), but we couldn't coax many smiles out of our typically happy kid because she was completely distracted by the family on the other side of the curtain. It seemed mom and grandma had dragged out a 2 year old girl and her younger sister (about Baby A's age) for a series of matching outfit portraits. Because nothing captures happy memories like forcing a hysterical toddler into a cheerleading dress...and an Easter dress...and casual wear... In front of different backdrops...

We didn't have enough time to stick around for the proofs and hard sell, so I'll have to wait to check my email tonight to see if we got any good naked baby shots. In spite of her mostly serious expressions, she's still darn cute.