Friday, May 21, 2010

Good (and good-ish) things

A few things I learned this week, when I wasn't working my ass off at the office or worrying myself sick about the BP oil spill in the Gulf:

1. I'm much happier to hear A's 5:50am wake-up call when the previous night had her up at 2:30. Why, you might ask? Was she sick? No. "I done sleeping."

2. Installing the 50 pound window A/C in the dining room window is shockingly easy when you're doing it for the 6th time. It's hard to believe we've been living in our Oak Park home for 7 years next month. Oh, and happy 100th birthday house! We love you even you were the scene of a bloody murder.

3. It pays to be patient. Not only did I find Z's new bicycle on Craigslist, my dream dining room table was listed in the most recent for sale edition of MomMail. I've been looking for a heavy, rustic-looking rectangular table for 8 for about a year, but I've been combing the classifieds in earnest for the past 4 months or so. I finally found it--it's a Rustica table from Room & Board--and a mover is delivering it and 8 Room & Board chairs early tomorrow morning.

We've got an exciting weekend ahead: Z and my last ceramics class, Z's first gymnastics show and her Montessori school's graduation picnic.