Remember how I said Z's turned into a swimming fool? Let the record show that her almost 3 year old sister is will not be outdone. Yes, she's armed with a little flotation assistance from water wings or a swim vest, but she's fearless when it comes to jumping into the pool unassisted.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Jump! Jump!
Remember how I said Z's turned into a swimming fool? Let the record show that her almost 3 year old sister is will not be outdone. Yes, she's armed with a little flotation assistance from water wings or a swim vest, but she's fearless when it comes to jumping into the pool unassisted.
I climbed a rock
Although seeing my mom and my sister and watching my children bond with their cousins is pretty spectacular, the highlight of my vacation thus far has definitely been the 2 hour rock climbing lesson that Josh, Eleanor, Simon and I took at Chimney Rock Park on Monday.
And yes, this photo is of me, nearing the top of my final climb.
Monday, June 28, 2010
She's a swimming fool
Two weeks ago, Z wouldn't jump into a pool unassisted or swim in the deep end. Seven Fenwick Swim Camp swimming lessons later she's ready to rule our vacation home pool.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Welcome to Weaverville
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
More crazy weather
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Culture shock

The Little Looster: Not for small bathrooms

Monday, June 21, 2010
Our American Girl Slumber Party
This is Z, early Saturday afternoon on the El platform by our house. We were heading into the city for a mother-daughter overnight at the Embassy Suites on State Street. Which, by the way, I last stayed at in the mid 1980s when my parents took me and my sister to Chicago to visit their old college haunts.
$15 later, Hannah was pierced and styled and we changed her into her new pink dress (with matching shoes and a necklace). We didn't buy cupcakes, an American Girl magazine with Z's picture on the cover, miniature American Girl dolls, any one of the hundreds of American Girl books or hobby-accessories. (If you're into dancing, ice skating, horseback riding or gardening, your doll can be too!) But we did linger in the book department and read the first chapter of "Meet Felicity," a book about a girl who lives in Philadelphia in the 1800s.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It's my birthday
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Flashback to finger knitting
Monday, June 14, 2010
Family pictures: done

Sunday, June 13, 2010
We made t-shirts at Frankie's
We'd brought our own tees, $2 tank tops from Old Navy for the girls and an old ringer tee of Josh's, and the girls picked their own designs.
Z picked a retro-ish dog and the number 5 after lingering over a glittery penguin and some cheese-ball dolphins.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Strawberries and stuff
Friday, June 11, 2010
The red sea

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Outdoor cat
I know we're taking a risk letting him out, but he seems so happy chasing moths, eating grass and resting under the shrubs, watching the world go by.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
The jerk in the silver minivan

Driver #1 shook my faith in my beloved community. You see, I live in Oak Park, a family-friendly, bike-positive inner suburb of Chicago. My 5 year old recently learned to ride a two-wheeler, and with my 2 year old in the bike seat of my bike, the 3 of us can get pretty much anywhere in the village on our bikes. Because of my daughter Z's age, we ride on the sidewalks, moving to the grass when we need to pass pedestrians and slowing at all street intersections to make sure it's safe to cross.
It isn't the fastest way to get around town, but it's quiet and peaceful and I don't have to listen to my youngest holler for snacks or complain that her car seat straps are "hurting" her. We were biking west along Jackson Avenue on our way home from a park when we paused to cross a side street. A red car was slowly inching into the intersection, trying to find a safe moment to cross Jackson Avenue, which was busy with cars. A man in a silver minivan behind her was laying on his horn, nearly rear-ending her in his frustration with her slow pace across the street. He didn't stop at his stop sign and didn't bother to look for pedestrians. Much less small children on bicycles who happened to also have the right of way.
"Hey," I called out, "This little girl is trying to cross the street."
Monday, June 07, 2010
Soon to be a hillbilly (maybe)
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Would you let your 5 year old bike around the block alone?
Now there are parents that probably think I'm crazy. Moms and dads who would never dream of letting their 5 year old out of sight. Heck, there are parents out there who don't let their 10 year olds go the playground unsupervised and hire babysitters for their 13 year olds. But I always knew I wouldn't be the overprotective sort. I admire Lenore Skenazy, the mother who famously let her 9 year old ride the NYC subway alone and founded the Free-Range Kids movement to promote giving kids developmentally appropriate freedoms. I was a free-range kid myself; my mom gave me a house key and let me navigate the Berlin public transit system as a 10 year old.
But it's one thing to talk up freedom and another to let your 5 year old round the corner alone for the first time. After all, just last year an attempted child abduction took place in our neighborhood. Attempted because the 7 year old boy who was approached knew better than to take a ride in a stranger's car.
So I decided to arm my smart, responsible daughter with a little extra wisdom. I borrowed Stranger SafetyJelly bracelets for the new generation
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Huggies Jeans: go blue for poo
But you know what's way cuter than diaper-clad toddlers? Potty-trained kids hanging out in their underpants. Or maybe that's just me.