Anyway, it all came flooding back yesterday at her 6 month checkup. The dentist noticed some discoloration on one tooth and took an X-ray to evaluate the damage. Apparently there's some danger an abscess could form and damage her adult teeth. Which means that if things don't look good when the dentist checks again in 6 weeks, they're going to pull one or both of her two front teeth. Gah!
Can you imagine my adorable ragamuffin with no front teeth for years? The alternative (expensive, I'm sure) is some kind of kiddie veneers bonded to the neighboring teeth.
Z also had a check-up and was determined to possess a healthy mouth, an inquisitive brain (she peppered the dentist with questions and impressed her with her knowledge of teeth and gums), and a 100 percent chance of needing orthodontia.
Anyway, it looks like I'll be wiping out my FSA account before the year is halfway over.
If there's one bright side to all this news, it's that my kids were complimented on their excellent oral hygiene and cheerful, cooperative dispositions.