Sometimes I fantasize about starting a hyper-local blog about my adopted home town, I love Oak Park so much. But since we're blessed with two
local newspapers,
Chicago Parent's headquarters, Annette's amazing MomMail email newsletters and the community site
Live Here Oak Park, there isn't exactly a gaping hole in the online version of our great community (or my schedule, for that matter).
So I've decided to do my part to promote my fellow Oak Park/River Forest bloggers. The most famous, of course, is the 14-year-old fashion phenom Tavi Gevinson of
The Style Rookie, but
Making It Lovely has an impressive following for her design blog and the beautifully-photographed food blog
Lottie + Doof has received tons of accolades in the mainstream press.
I can count among my personal friends
Carrie Kirby, the penny-pinching expert behind
Frugalista and fellow synagogue members Emily (expert canner and author of
West of the Loop) and Marta Block (aka
The Wedding Maven). I'm also friendly with Angela, who writes about her family at
P Four and her family dinners at
Peas 4 Dinner and Molly, who writes about food, farming and family life at
Virtual Farmgirl. Matt, the daddy blogger behind
The Cote Boys, is a fellow parent at our Montessori school; and Vanessa Druckman, who writes the popular food blog
Chefdruck Musings, recently moved from Columbus, Ohio to nearby River Forest and treated my family to the most delicious Rosh Hashanah dinner we've ever eaten.
Future Oak Park bloggers hang out on their home turf |
And although I cut a mango for her at a PTO healthy eating event, I only
feel like I know Chef Melissa Elsmo of
Inspire Mel and
Tales of the Elsmo Four.
Oak Park is also home to the home blog
Four Thick Walls, which chronicles the renovation of an energy-efficient home, and
Health at My Size, a blog that's only nominally faithful to its title. There are probably more local blogs I don't yet know about. If you can think of any, please drop me a line in the comments.