Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday shopping report

Hopefully this will become a new feature here on Marketing Mommy, a weekly report on stuff I bought, received or ultimately decided not to buy.
Item 1: Sundress from Soho boutique, $29
It is hot as Hades here in Chicago, so I'm wearing this breezy cotton spaghetti strap dress I purchased at a going-out-of-business sale during BlogHer weekend in NYC. I don't much like wearing strapless bras, but I haven't entirely embraced the visible bra strap trend, so I'm wearing one today. I now have a lot of floral sleeveless dresses in my closet and I probably shouldn't buy any more. At least until I miraculously lose 10 lbs and have to buy a new wardrobe.

Item 2: Silver "happy" bracelet, price unknown
This sterling silver Lisa Leonard bracelet was included in one of the swag bags I received at BlogHer and I love it. I'm tempted to order one of her custom mom necklaces--the kind with charms stamped with your kids' names.

Item 3: Simple Sojourner shoes, $14.95
I'll admit my attention was wandering during one of the less compelling BlogHer sessions and I started paying more attention to my Twitter stream than the speaker. A tweet from came through announing Simple shoes for $14.95. Five minutes later, I'd ordered this pair of incredibly soft, comfy, slightly Boho shoes. They're now back up to $50--50% off their $100 retail price.

Items 4-34: Elmer's glue sticks
Yes, that is a lot of glue. I balked a bit when I saw Z's kindergarten supply list called for a whopping 30 glue sticks, but I was delighted to relieve the Walgreens near my office of their entire supply when they went on sale for $0.19 a 2-pack.

I didn't buy
Despite receiving a tempting email from Overstock announcing a big sale and $1 shipping on Queen size bedding, I ultimately didn't buy any new bedsheets. We've been using the same 2 pairs since we bought our mattress in 2004, but they are soft and comfortable and--really--with one set on the bed and one in the wash or the closet, we're fine.