Sunday, June 22, 2008

A relationship blooms

Z's behavior has been pretty stellar this weekend, a welcome reprieve after the temper tantrums she dealt me last night. She's still testing limits with me (far more than with her daddy, incidentally), but she's been amazing to her little sister.

I guess it feels pretty good to be adored. Baby A can't get enough of her big sister, and Z likes having an audience that goes (literally) gaga for her antics. She plays peek-a-boo, brings her toys, feeds her snacks and entertains her in the wagon. She even lets A pull her hair because it gives the baby such a thrill.

Yesterday as we were pulling the girls home from a frozen custard run to Hole in the Wall, Z tickled her sister's stomach and made up this little rhyme: "[Baby's] tummy is really funny!"

I took both girls to the pool this morning, and even though I gave Z permission to paddle away from me in her swim vest, A shrieked, waved and kicked, demanding we chase her big sister down. .